The Sacred Art of Crafting 🌿Life-Changing Rituals

Friday, May 10th

6:00 -7:30 PM MDT
💻 Online Event


Ritual allows the soul to catch up. And it allows a soul to make sense of things we just can't make sense of through the mental processes of the modern world.” 

- Seraphina Capranos

Join us for this illuminating workshop on the essentials of crafting deeply meaningful and life-changing rituals.

To imbue your rituals with resonant power, you’ll ground and clarify your energy, engage with the power of the elements, and create a powerful circle of inner strength.

In these times of chaos and instability, having strong inner resources is more important than ever. In a world yearning for stability and transformation.

This workshop offers a sacred space to cultivate resilience and reclaim your inherent power.

That’s why we’ve called upon Seraphina Capranos, a luminous priestess and dedicated teacher to be our guide during this free, online workshop.

She has been hosting circles and sharing the secrets of rituals for over 20 years and now Seraphina will light your path of sacred intention, deep resonance, and self-discovery.

“Seraphina brings a wealth of knowledge and wisdom from her many years of experience as a herbalist and homeopath. She also weaves in folklore, magic, history, spirituality, and meditation while remaining connected to the practical. She is not just a teacher, she is a mentor.”

⎯client testimonial

The sacred art of crafting potent rituals has the power to transform your life. 

Don’t let the chaos of the world dim your light.  It’s time to take your first step into the hidden realm of sacred ritual. Join us for the free, online event as Seraphina unveils the sacred art of ritual crafting.



Friday, May 10th @6:00 PM (MDT)

This event is included for FREE in The Wild Ones Membership … for the first time EVER we are pulling back the curtain and inviting YOU to join us!

Love for Seraphina ♡

“Seraphina is a pillar for all called to this work. he has a gift of bringing out the potential in her students. I am in awe at the growth I have witnessed in myself from her teachings in both Magic and Herbalism over the past three years.”

“Seraphina is an amazing gift to all who are blessed enough to find her.Having the opportunity to study with Seraphina Capranos has been a very potent gift.”

Potent Ritual

✧ Sacred Space

Potent Ritual ✧ Sacred Space ✦


In this dynamic workshop, you'll unlock the secrets to:

◗ Grounding yourself in the depths of your being.

◖ Opening up to receive profound guidance from your spiritual allies


◗ Crafting rituals that resonate with the core of your soul and bring healing to yourself and others

And most of all . . .

Reflect, share, and connect in a safe space. Witness the expanded energy field of a community that supercharges your personal magic.

Join IN ↓


Friday, May 10th @6:00 PM (MDT)
This event is included for FREE in The Wild Ones Membership … for the first time EVER we are pulling back the curtain and inviting YOU to join us!


Our Guide

Seraphina Capranos is a clinical herbalist, homeopath, and initiated priestess with a practice spanning over two decades.

Her unique blend of gifts straddles the vast worlds of plant medicine, homeopathy, and ritual and ceremonial magic.

She is a sought-after international teacher who has taught thousands of students since 2008.

Jenner Linden

Jenner Linden is a creative mentor + energy expander + Founder of The Wild Ones - a community of over 10K humans and growing - a space to heal and live your authentic version of the good life. We feature trusted experts, transformative tools and virtual workshops that you can access anywhere in the world. Learn more about Jenner’s journey + how to work with her


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