ETP 10 // Sound Healing as a Portal to Letting Go

ETP #10

Take action. Speak up. Be brave. Greet fear as an old friend and shake its hand as you move forward towards your goals.”

Today, I’m talking with Sound Healer Dani Hall about the power of collaboration and how her health struggles led her to her first sound healing experience. Trust me, you want to hear this one.

Danielle has built a six-figure Sound Healing School, SoundEmbrace, and teaches others how to break free and do what they love abundantly.

This is a powerful conversation about letting go—letting go of fear, judgment, and control.

Today, Dani is known as a pioneer in the Sound Healing Industry and has been invited to so many incredible spaces like Shift Network and Daybreaker. and has been with us since year one of the rewilding online retreat - now in our 5 year this fall.

She’s weaved the scientific and spiritual in her teaching and empowers her students to find the spaces where they will thrive and make a lasting impact.

3:41 - The Power of Community and Collaboration

9:30 - Exploring Sound Healing and Dani's Health Journey

12:20 - Dani's First Sound Healing Experience

23:38 - The Impact of Sound Healing on Dissolving Personal Narratives

27:34 - Diversity and Accessibility in Sound Healing

32:45 - Building a Sound Healing School: Bridging Science and Spirit

38:52 - The Biggest Misconceptions in Sound Healing

45:30 - Working With Dani Hall of Sound Embrace

Jenner Linden

Jenner Linden is a creative mentor + energy expander + Founder of The Wild Ones - a community of over 10K humans and growing - a space to heal and live your authentic version of the good life. We feature trusted experts, transformative tools and virtual workshops that you can access anywhere in the world. Learn more about Jenner’s journey + how to work with her


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